
DropShipping Scams

  Many thanks to the blogger that wrote this article.I stumbled on Lewis Smith ads on Facebook. I had my success in properties prior to 2008. I did sign up to Anton’s PDF etc and he seems to know what he’s talking about. Lewis funnel seems convincing, but i usually check things out thoroughly. I was going to go on Amazon a few years back, but never got the opportunity. They took my money and never refunded me back. I started Ebay in 2019, and it was the best thing ever. I would recommend the Ebay business book by Robert Pugh. He covered a lot in-depth .One of my mentors online always say, that you should have books ,webinars ,and follow the person before you need to part with your money. What happened to the good all fashion research? 🤷🏾‍♂️ .I know we live in a digital age, but take your time and find things out. I know myself that I will just end up with eBay rather than parted with my hard earned cash .Check out which for £20-£30 pcm you can get loads of dropship